Welcome to the LHKennard Family Web Page.

We are just getting underway again.
Family information will be here soon.

You will need a login and password to get further into the site.**

Please send me a message (address at the bottom) to let me know that you have been here.
After I recieve the requested information, you may login to the links below
using the credentials I will provide to you.

Family History

**To grant access to the above links, I will need the following information from you:
1- Your name, address, email address, and telephone number.
2- A statement of how you are related to the LHK family. I need specifics here please.
I will reply and ask questions if I need more than you give to me for this.

After verification of your identity and relationship, I will reply to your email address
with a login ID and password you can use to get into the site.
I hope you enjoy what you see and will share the location of the site with family members.
However we ask that you please do not share your login information with others.
Have them contact us to be given their own credentials (as you have done)
by sending the information in 1 and 2 requested above
to the email address below.

Thank you and enjoy your family heritage!
Mike Hendriksen, son of Dorothy Kennard Hendriksen

send message With info (1) and (2) requested above to mikenruthh at google dot com - and when you write,
please put LHKennard Family Site in the Subject line.
You may also send a text to 385-269-0794. Include the same information please.